Olivia Arfuso


Olivia Arfuso

FARO SCENE is developed by the same company as the FARO laser scanner. This program allows you to process your scans and load the compressed data necessary for further manipulation in other systems. 


How to utilize FARO SCENE:

  1. Always make sure to create a copy of your raw data and store it somewhere on an external drive.
  2. Open the program and select your file of raw data.
  3. Once opened you will see all your scans appear on the left-hand side of the screen.
  4. Rick-click on each scan and select "Load."
  5. After all your scans are loaded, right-click on each loaded scan and select "Operations" > "Color/Pictures" > "Apply Pictures."
    1. Make sure to save as you go!
  6. When completed, select each scan and right-click "View" > "Quick, Planar or 3D."
    1. This will help you view you colored scans and to ensure that all the pictures have been applied correctly.
  7. Click on the "Gexel" dropdown along the top of the screen and click "GoToReconstructor."
    1. Make sure all your scans are checked and that export scan points are at 1 and export color and reflectance are both checked.
  8. Create a new folder and save your exported project there.
    1. Select your newly created folder and click "Ok" to finish the process.