Olivia Arfuso

JRC 3D Reconstructor

Olivia Arfuso
JRC 3D Reconstructor

This system was created by Gexel to clean and attach individual scans. Here, is where your 3D model will take shape and be finalized. 


How to use JRC 3D Reconstructor:

  1. Open the .recprj file previously created in FARO SCENE.
  2. Right-click on the first scan and select "Load."
  3. Under the "Property Browser" change the "Color Mapped" from "Reflectance" to "Color."
  4. When complete, select the scan and click on the "Go to Line Up" icon along the top of the screen.
  5. Now, you can click on the "Process" icon and process your scan.
    1. You must repeat steps 2-5 for all your scans.
    2. A "P" will appear next to all the scans which have been successfully processed.
  6. Select a processed scan and click on the "Select" icon in the far right corner of the screen.
    1. This is where you will delete any unwanted portions of the point-cloud.
  7. Choose the correct selection option and decide whether to delete "Inside" or "Outside" of the selected area.
    1. Continue until the scan is fully clean and only the clearest data is left.
  8. Once your scans are clean, select two scans which are related to one another and select "Register" > "Manual Pre-Registration."
  9. In this window you will assign one of the scans as a "Moving Grid" and one as the "Reference Grid."
    1. Once a grid is assigned as a "Reference Grid" it must stay a reference grid, even when being stitched to other scans.
  10. Now, you can begin selecting points on the reference grid and finding the matching point on the moving grid by double-clicking on specific areas of the images.
    1. Choose a minimum of three matching points.
  11. Select "Compute" and if you receive a mean registration error of .5 or below you can select "Apply Transformation" and then close the window.
  12. With both of the scans selected (again) click "Registration" > "Cloud to Cloud Registration" and assign the reference scan as the "Reference Scan." 
  13. Now, you can select "Process" and if the registration error is below .5 you can apply the transformation.
  14. Finally, select "Register" > "Bundle Adjustment" and assign the same labels to the reference scan and to the moving scan.
  15. Once complete, "Apply Transformation" and allow the system to finalize your stitched scans.
  16. You must do this for all overlapping scans until your structure is reconstructed. 
  17. Select ever scan and then right-click choosing "Filtering & Clustering" > "Make Single Cloud."
    1. The newly created point cloud will appear under the "Property Browser" as the "Unstructured Point Clouds" layer.
  18. Now all your scans are under one point cloud instead of individual clouds.

How to create a new UCS:

  1. First, you must create a new plan by clicking on "Create/Edit Plane" under the cross sections dropdown menu. 
  2. Specify the plane origin by pressing "Alt+double left click" and selecting a point.
  3. You will repeat this process to select the X and Y axis.
  4. When complete, select "Create/edit" from the specified points you just chose.
  5. Now you can select "Make plane horizontal" and when complete, you can close the window.
  6. The newly created plane can be found in your "Project Window." 
  7. Make sure the extension of the plane is 100 x 100 then right-click on the plane and select "Create UCS from Pose."
  8. The new UCS is in your "Project Window." Right-click on the new UCS and choose "Make Current." 
  9. Now, rotate your model and make sure that the UCS is correct!

Exporting your project:

  1. When you are ready to export, right-click on the new single cloud and select "Export" > "Save copy as" > "e57 extension."
    1. Ensure that the "Export Position in current UCS and Color" is checked before continuing.
  2. Remember where you saved the file before exiting the program.