Olivia Arfuso

Laser Scanning

Olivia Arfuso
Laser Scanning

Laser scanning is used to obtain information about a complex subject through point clouds. The pros of this procedure is that the material is non-invasive and can capture detailed information. The cons are that the equipment can be expensive. Laser scanners can be thousands of dollars and the necessary programs can also cost a lot of money. 


How to scan:

  1. Click "Manage" on the screen of the laser scanner.
  2. Check to make sure the "Project" title and its profile are correct before beginning (create a new project and a profile if not yet created).
  3. Return to the "Home" area and choose "Parameters."
  4. Check on the "Selected Profile," "Resolution Quality," the horizontal/vertical target area and that the images will be captured in color.
  5. The "Resolution Quality," should be set to 1/4 resolution and 3x quality. 
    1. This will result in an average quality scan and should take roughly 5 minutes. If you want a higher quality scan you must increase the resolution and quality. This will cause a longer duration of scan. 
  6. The horizontal/vertical target area should be a 360-degree scan.
    1. If you are unsure of the area you are scanning, take a test scan to help decide on the focus area.
  7. Once finalized, click on the "Home" icon and press "Start Scan."
  8. Remove yourself from the scanner's line of sight so that you are not captured in the final scan.