Olivia Arfuso

3D Printing

Olivia Arfuso
3D Printing

3D printing allows you to create a tangible object from a detailed, digital model. However, this is at a cost. 3D printing can be quite expensive depending on the size and detail of the model being printed. It may cost a pretty penny, but it allows for fragile, detailed, complicated object to be recreated and studied. 


How to 3D print: 

  1. After completing the Structure from Motion procedure and obtaining a digital, 3D model, you can begin preparing your model for 3D printing.
  2. Export your 3D model as an .obj file. 
  3. Import the .obj file into a 3D model editor program such as: Meshmixer, Rhino, etc.
    1. (For these directions we will focus on Meshmixer.)
  4. In the toolbar select "View" > "Show object browser. 
  5. Click "Actions" > "Configure Units" > "Inches" and use the measurement which you took while studying the real-life object to size your model. 
  6. By using the "Selection" tool you can delete any unnecessary areas which may have stitched together awkwardly. 
  7. You can now create a base for your model by selecting the "Meshmixer" icon on the left-side panel and dragging the rectangular prism over your model.
  8. You can use the arrows to size the prism so that your model sits just above.
  9. Use the "Sculpt" > " Brushes" > "Attract" to blend the base to the model.
  10. When done, select both models in the object browser and click "Edit" > "Combine."
  11. Now you can select "Make Solid" to fill your object and create a closed form.
  12. Make sure you change the "Solid Type" to "Accurate" and you increase the "Solid Accuracy" and "Mesh Density" so that your 3D model has more detail.
  13. Select "Update" to view your finished model.
  14. You can now choose to "Export" your project as an .stl so it can be 3D printed.